Monday, October 10, 2011

Стивийн тухай 2002 онд

Өнгөрсөн долоо хоногт Стивийг бурхны оронд холоо аялснаас хэдэн цагийн дараа уйтгарт мэдээг дуулж, бяцхан дурсгал маягийн бичлэг блогдое хэмээн санаж тээр жил англи хэлний анхан шатны сургалтын ярианы хичээлд мань хүний талаар бэлтгэж байснаа сиди архиваас хайж олохоор санасан боловч хэд хоночхож ... алдаа гэж хачин ихтэй нэг файл сая оллоо, тэр үед англи хэл сурч эхэлж буй миний бичлэг тул алдаа нь ойлгомжтой, гэхдээ өдгөө хүн бүрийн бахархал болсон энэ хүн хаа тэр цагт iPhone сураг үгүй байхад жирийн монгол залууд ийн бодогдож хүндэтгэгдэж байж … ярианы хичээлдээ бэлтгэж тараасан цаасаа тэр чигээр нь блогдон Стивийг дурсав. Арай томоохон барьцтай тусыг Цахим өртөөнийхөн ярилцаж, судалж буй бөлгөө, удахгүй нийтэд тодорхой болох биз ээ.


Steve Jobs
Jag Erkhembayar’s
first speech on ESOL -- 103
Sep 12, 2002

“Steve Jobs sees the personal computer as his tool for changing the world” wrote Robert X. Cringely in his book “Accidental Empires”

Many years ago, when you guys were kids or some of us were not born, and I was a kid, something changed in the computer world. Computers were so huge and so expensive. Electronic engineers developed very large scale integration technology and small silicon chips. It allowed a computer to get smaller, chipper, and to become more and more common for business and the home.

Steve Jobs with his friend Wozniak designed the Apple I computer in his bedroom and they built in his garage. He showed the computer to a local electronic seller and the seller ordered 25 computers. The first Apple I’s price was $666. Jobs sold his Volkswagon microbus, Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard calculator and they raised $1300 to start the new company -- Apple.

Jobs and Wozniak developed the Apple II computer in 1977. The Apple II did not have a screen. People used their own TV set as a monitor. It was not powerful like the today’s PC, but it was the first mass-marketed PC. Steve Jobs and Apple made a revolution in the computer history.

In the start of the movie “A Bug’s Life,” the main hero -- an ant named Flik cries: “I am never gonna make a difference” after crashing his new idea. In the middle of the movie he says: “I just wanted do make a difference.” The ant monarch says: “it is not our tradition to do things differently.” In the end of movie, “thinking differently” wins.

This computer animated movie produced by Pixar. Jobs co-founded this company, and has owned since 1986. “A Bug’s Life”, “Think different” are very similar Jobs’ life, ideas, styles. Even “Make a difference” is the Steve Jobs’ main ideal. In 1983, he took Pepsi CEO John Sculley to Apple. Jobs asked him, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?”

Steve Jobs was a marketing guy when we established Apple and produced Apple I, Apple II computers. In that time, in mid 70’s, Silicon Valley had many good engineers, who designed good chips, developed technology, wrote powerful programs. Jobs tried look around differently. He knew and understood Woz had a nice product. That product could sell to people if you change something put it in plastic box.

Engineers thought about a product: Does it work? Is it cheap? Steve Jobs thought totally differently, he was in other hand. He looked from people side. He was on the side how will think users and customers.

Steve Jobs made a great job. Apple I, Apple II were big success. But in other side of Apple was his competitors. Gigantic IBM was one of the competitors. IBM came the personal computer business. IBM started dominated on this market.

Jobs knew the IBM personal computers had very strong software. The system program or operation system of the IBM computer is not compatible with Apple’s product. He needed introduce a new computer in the market which IBM controlled. To get this market, to compute with IBM he needed help and he took guy from Pepsi.

Jobs in 1981 introduced the Apple III. Then he designed the Macintosh. Macintosh’s CPU was more powerful then IBM’s chip. He looked very differently from others. When the Mac was introduced, Jobs made huge ad. It was on Super Bowl Sunday.

In 1985, Steve Jobs sold over $20 million of his Apple stock. He quit Apple.

If Apple was hardware field, the Jobs’ next step was software. He called a company Next. He feels the computer industry needs an alternative to Microsoft. He hopes people will turn to NextStep software.

In 1996, Next came to Apple. Jobs said “Apple is buying Next, not me” when Apple brought Next. After six month Jobs was CEO of Apple again. He became to Apple. Apple began to make difference and started to grown again.

In a Washington Post interview, Jobs said, “If you look at my life, I have never gotten it right the first time. It always takes me twice.”

Jobs has given us a new machine iMac, PowerPC, eMac, PowerBook, iBook, PowerMac, great powerful G4 processor, iPod and many other nice new products, good programs, since he back to Apple.


burka said...

Yag ene ued bi Denvert baisan daa. Daanch bi USA am'dral nadad taalagdaagui bi butsaad yavsan. 4 sar bolood. harin Steve Job aguu hun baisan um bilee. Bi 1992 ond England ochihod Macintosh Classic humuus ashiglaj baij bilee. Harin manaid yagaad Mac yavaagui talaar sudalsan uu? Bi Mongolchuud Oros China dagaad unegui software heregledeg bolohoor iim goyo zuilees hotsorj baisan um baina gej bodloo. Manaid zuv khandlaga hezee togtono doo...

jagdag said...

тухайн үедээ хэрэглээ нь ихэд үнэтэй байсан байх, одоо бол МН-д нилээд газар авч байна. 1986 онд УБИС дээр анхныхаа Мас харж байсан нь миний үзсэн хамгийн анхны өнгөт дэлгэцтэй тооцуур байжээ.